shark eating fish
shark eating fish
The Barracuda Fish is a large carnivorous salt water fish in the "ray-fish" family. The barracuda can grow as long as 6 ft and reach speeds of up to 30 mph. There are over 25 species of barracuda world wide. Barracudas live mostly in the warm tropical and sub-tropical oceans, however, there are a few species that do live in brackish water.
The colors of the barracudas are mostly dark green, dark blue, or grayish or silver colored hews to the upper body. A white under side helps with a barracudas camouflage by, blending in with the daylight. Some species of barracuda have markings, such as black spots or a row of dark colored lines on their sides.
Many barracuda species are mostly solitary as adults. However, young and/or adolescent barracudas can be seen frequently congregating. A barracudas main source of food is non-predatory fish. Given a barracudas ferocious temper, fish as large, or even larger then themselves, are not much of an issue. Just as sharks attack, so do barracudas: by tearing off chunks of meat from their prey. Barracudas are also scavengers and are known to follow sharks to find scraps that have been left behind.
The barracuda has earned a reputation for being dangerous to people. Attacks on people can be very severe and are much like a small shark bite. Most under water barracuda attacks on a human is usually non-intentional and caused due to "shiny" objects such as rings and watches. However, fishermen that have landed a barracuda in their boats have been attacked after the hook was removed from the barracudas mouth. These fishermen have returned the favor by eating the barracuda meat in fillets, steaks and soups. Barracuda meat is absolutely delicious eating!
While diving, snorkeling and/or spear fishing if you encounter a barracuda you should be aware of a couple of things: "never" try to touch it or feed it. If you encounter a barracuda while in the water think "shark" and act accordingly.
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish
shark eating fish