big fish giant
big fish giant
Want to catch those big "Walleye monsters", those Walleye fish of your dreams and those of your fishing buddies and fishing trip friends and acquaintances as well? You have to know the seasonal food target and targets of those mythical Walleye fish. Simple as that! Know the favorite seasonal food targets of Walleyes and you are all set for more than major action. Those other most "experienced" Walleye fisherman alongside you will be green with envy.
It's more than a very simple concept. At different times of the year and at the different and differing time periods and seasons throughout the year certain and specific aquatic foods are more abundant than others. Know which and when, and what the Walleye in your specific locale or those choice areas that you are affording to travel to and visit for your major fishing trips to the lodge and lodges of Walleye heaven and you will land those Walleye fish of your dreams. Those giant big Walleye fish of fame.
It seems that overall for fish to survive and thrive, food and nutrition must be available to a fish, within its own and particular niche. Walleyes will generally make best use of the different foods that they find in their aquatic - lake and river environments.
Serious Walleye fishermen often refer to a certain type of Walleye bearing watershed as a "meso lake". Meso lakes are the shortened term of the aquatic scientists' descriptive term of Mesotrophic lakes Mesotrophic lakes are lakes of intermediate productivity: net primary production is between 250 and 1,000 milligrams of carbon per square meter per day. What the term meso refers to in the end is how much oxygen and even more importantly how much the waste gas carbon dioxide (CO2), is present generally in a fresh water area harboring and holding those wonderful and vital Walleye fish, which you are out to catch and land. Why is it important to know into which type of classification given fresh water area or areas contain in terms of CO2 levels? It's vital for you to work towards catching those big Walleye fish?
In 'meso" lakes, when mayfly larvae are abundant in spring, the young of the year perch fish are not big or large enough for efficient predation by adult fish. So it seems that these mayfly larvae are heavily preyed upon and make up a significant and most major portion of the local Walleye fish diets. However as the season drags on, and by mid to late summer the small perch have grown to a much more proper size and then the Walleye fish can and do switch targets when it comes time for their preferred choice and preferential food and foods source and sources. Then, as this same perch population begins to dwindle in the fall autumn time period, the shiner minnows that have spent the summer running open water tend to move shoreward. Guess what often happens, and is the best thing going for you as a Walleye fishing hound? These same Walleyes that at one point in time fed preferentially on those mayfly larvae, then on the Perch, now begin to feed on those larger minnows. Bingo.
Then wait again for wintertime and the cold Manitoba Canadian winter when its time for the pastime of ice fishing. During the wintertime ice fishing season's ciscoes as well as other mixed small fish become the changed and present food targets of the Walleye fish along with Perch fish and shiners. This can be said to occur because the entire acoustic environmental food population is reduced and protein itself is at a great premium.
In the end if you want to catch and land those big and gigantic Walleye fish or your dreams, then it is obvious as well as essential that by knowing the seasonal location of mayfly larvae, perch, shiners or ciscoes fish you will find those and land those giants and giant Walleye fish successfully. Be prepared.
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant
big fish giant