cool fish tank
cool fish tank
If you're looking into getting some cool fish tanks then you could possibly do them by yourself. In fact, with all the materials and solutions for fish tanks nowadays, there are so many different possibilities out there that it's just really easy to do something unique by yourself. We have some cool ideas that you can easily personalize and make them yours.
The first theme we'd like to present is the coke theme, which will feature a regular aquarium with emptied and cut out bottles of coke along with some black sand. You can even install an oxygen pump to have some bubbles some out of the bottle to make it seem like the carbon dioxide you have on the drink. You can be creative with how you cut the bottles to create a lot of room for your fish to go through instead of just having the bottles there.
Another one is the baby theme. You'll simply get some baby objects (which are usually round and colorful) to create a fun little environment. It's easy to add some details with some old baby items that you find or get from other people that will make some really cool fish tanks.
Cool Fish Tanks Are Easy to Make!
Another cool theme that I personally love is the lunar or space theme. It's pretty easy to make as well and great if you have the aquarium next to a wall or something. You'll simply print out a lunar background that you attack to the back of the aquarium, add some neat gray sand, some craters, add in some astronaut suits toys around or some aliens and you'll have a great example of cool fish tanks.
Another fun idea is to simulate the cage of a hamster. You can add the top of the cage, some of the tubes around and make a great path for the fish. It can be fun to see them explore the tubes around.
Even though if you're reading this you wouldn't want to make anything that looks like plants, how about considering some sort of jungle theme? There are multiple toys that can do the trick and adding some monkeys around just for fun is also a good idea.
One idea that's perhaps a bit common but still makes some of the coolest fish tanks around is the sunken ship theme. It's easy to find one in most stores and can make up some really cool effects. You can add some plants underwater to make the ship look abandoned and add a treasure chest as well for the ultimate touch.
Another neat idea is to do Atlantis theme, with some buildings underground (again, the small toys you can get for the children are also great here and give a good feeling). If you want to take it to the next level you can scratch them by yourself to make it look like the city has sunken a long time ago.
Where to Get the Stuff Cool Fish Tanks Use?
If you read some of the suggestions we've mentioned above, they're common fish tanks with some very interesting items inside making the difference. These items are available in just about every kids store and you can even ask people who have kids to get some of their old toys and make your fish tank based on those items.
If you love fish tanks, then take a look at our website on Cool Fish Tanks.
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank
cool fish tank